Coding Standard

The goal of this document is to define a set of general rules regarding the formatting and structure of the WYMeditor code as well as defining some best practices. It should also serve as a god starting point for developers that want to contribute code to the WYMeditor project.


All Javascript source should pass the latest stable version of JSlint using the options:

jslint --es5 false --white --indent 4

Crockford Javascript Code Conventions

Please refer to the Crockford Javascript Code Conventions for a set of general rules. The points listed below are not included in Crockford Conventions and/or specific to the WYMeditor project.

Formatting and Style

Naming Conventions

Variables and Functions

Give variables and function meaningful names. Use mixedCase (lower CamelCase) for names spanning several words. “Constants” should be in all CAPITAL_LETTERS with underscores to separate words. Avoid the use of Hungarian Notation, instead make sure to “type” your variables by assigning default values and/or using comments.


var elements = [];
var VERSION = 0.6;
function parseHtml () {};


Constructors should be named using PascalCase (upper CamelCase) for easier differentiation.


function MyObject () {}
MyObject.prototype = {
function myMethod () {}

Event Handlers

Prepend “on” to the event handler name for easier differentiation.


function onEventName (event) {}


All code should be placed under the WYMeditor namespace to avoid creating any unnecessary global variables. If you’re extending and/or modifying WYM, place you code where you see fit (most likely WYMeditor.plugins).

WYMeditor.core contains the Editor object and the SAPI as well as HTML, CSS and DOM parsers which make out the core parts of WYMeditor.

WYMeditor.ui contains the UI parts of WYM (i.e. the default Toolbar and Dialogue objects).

WYMeditor.util contains any utility methods or objects, see Leave the Natives Alone.

WYMeditor.plugins – place your plug-ins here.

Inheritance and “Classes”

There’s a lot of different ways of doing inheritance in JavaScript. There have been attempts to emulate Classes and several patterns trying enhance, hide or modify the prototypal nature of JavaScript – some more successful than others. But in order to keep things familiar for as many JavaScript developers as possible we’re sticking with the “Pseudo Classical” model (constructors and prototypes).

It’s not that the different variations of the “Pseudo Classical” model out there are all bad, but there is no other “standard” way of doing inheritance.

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Other Rules and Best Practices

Leave the Natives Alone

WYMeditor is used by a lot of people in a lot of different environments thus modifying the prototypes for native objects (such as Array or String) can result in unwanted and complicated conflicts.

The solution is simple – simply leave them alone. Place any kind of general helper methods under WYMeditor.util.

Use Literals

This is a basic one – but there’s still a lot of developers that use the Array and Object constructors.

Further Reading

Got any other links that you think can be of help for new WYM developers? Share them here!