
We <3 Contributions

We love your contributions. Anything, whitespace cleanup, spelling corrections, translations, jslint cleanup, etc is very welcome.

The general idea is that you fork WYMeditor, make your changes in a branch, add appropriate unit tests, hack until you’re done, make sure the tests still pass, and then send a pull request. If you have questions on how to do any of this, please stop by #wymeditor on freenode IRC and ask. We’re happy to help!

Example Process

  1. Fork wymeditor to your personal GitHub account.
  2. Clone it (git clone <your personal repo url>) and add the official repo as a remote so that you easily can keep up new changes (git remote add upstream
  3. Create a new branch and check it out (git checkout -b my-cool-new-feature).
  4. Make your changes, making sure to follow the Coding Standard. If possible, also include a unit test in src/test/unit/test.js.
  5. Add the changed files to your staging area (git add <modified files>) and commit your changes with a meaningful message (git commit -m "Describe your changes"). Make sure and follow the Coding Standard.
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 until you’re done.
  7. Add yourself to the AUTHORS file!
  8. Make sure unit tests pass in as many browsers as you can. If you don’t have access to some of the supported browsers, be sure and note that in your pull request message so we can test them.
  9. Make sure your code is up to date (see below) and if everything is fine push your changes to GitHub (git push origin <your branch>) and send a Pull Request.

Staying up to Date

If your fork or local branch falls behind the official upstream repository please do a git fetch and then merge or rebase to make sure your changes will apply cleanly – otherwise your pull request will not be accepted.

See the GitHub help section for further details.

Project Versions

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Roadmap for WYMeditor 2.0 (Draft)

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Proposed Build Stack

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